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Women's Ministries

At New Life At Calvary, we believe God has a way of bringing the right people in our lives at the right time.  There are three different types of Women's Groups from which you can chose to be a part of in your spiritual growth. One of them is bound to be just what you are looking for to help you grow in Christ.

Women's Guild:You are invited to come on out and  be a part of the group.Women’s Guild:  The Women’s Guild is a group of primarily retired women who are looking to grow in the Lord through bible study and fellowship.  They have guest speakers come and address the on various topics. They meet weekly from September through June and once a month during July and August. Each meeting they share a pot-luck luncheon and Bible Study. Women from several different churches participate in the Guild.  They meet on Select Tuesdays at 11am. They sponsor several mission projects in various parts of the world throughout the year and have fund raisers for the various projects.  The current moderator of the group is Jessica Franklin.

Women’s Association:  The Women's Association is made up of all the women who are a part of the church.  The group sponsors an annual Women’s Day Weekend, Father’s Day Brunch, and a Scholarships For Graduates. The group usually does an event geared toward the young girls of the church. The meetings are held on the 4th Sunday of each month after worship. Women are assessed an annual fee of $25 to assist with the expenses of the group. The current moderator is Diane Owens.

Stylish Woman

Women With Hearts Bent Toward God.  Lay Pastor Helen Britt invites you to join her each 2nd  Tuesday at 7:30 for our monthly Women's Bible Study, "Women With A Heart Bent Toward God." She will be introducing  the new lesson and wants your input on whether to pursue the series "Women Of The Bible" or "Kingdom Women.  Join her on zoom. 

The meeting id is 879-0241-3084 and the password is 2020.    The phone call in number is 312-626-6799.  All women are invited to join the group if you're looking for support and encouragement from other women in the Lord.

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