Prayer Shawl Ministry
At New Life At Calvary, we believe in the power of prayer. The Prayer Shawl Ministry allows individuals to use their talents and skills to create prayer shawls and comfort boxes to be a blessing to those in hospitals, nursing homes, or the homes of those who are ill.
Prayer Shawl & Comfort Box Ministry: The Prayer Shawl & Comfort Box Ministry creates beautiful, crocheted prayer shawls, blankets, afghans tissue boxes and more to be given to the sick in shut in, hospice patients, people in hospitals, or anyone that has a need. Prayer Shawl Ministry present shawls to the congregation on the fourth Sunday for prayer. We accept people of all skill level from beginner to expert. You do not have to be a part of our church to participate in this ministry. Several people have gone back to their own churches and started a Prayer Shawl Ministry there. Our goal is to minister to those who are hurting. Each blanket is prayed over by the church before it is sent out to be a blessing to others. If you are in need of a prayer shawl for someone who is ill, please contact our church.